Saturday, February 15, 2020

ESSAY PAPER Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PAPER - Essay Example Most of the litter is so small that it is present in the top layer of the water columns. Due to this fact, they are very hard to see, even with a satellite view. These plastics end up in stomachs of birds and marine animals. Not only the larger animals are affected, but whole eco-systems (starting with the smaller fish or jellyfish) can be suffering from hormonal disruptions and toxins. The water and wind currents have gathered masses of garbage in some kind of soup. Scientists say that the biggest one, the Pacific Garbage Patch, is about the size of the state of Texas (UNEP). The Creation of the Garbage Patches At first, the thought was that the islands were formed by the water currents in the oceans, gathering all the rubbish. But, the rubbish also seemed to come from the land, where the wind takes it and brings it out to the sea. According to researches, 80% of the plastic in the sea originates from land and roughly 20% comes from boats (Greenpeace Int.). A passenger cruise ship c an produce about eight tons of solid waste every week (Greenpeace Int.). Most of this waste is organic, but much of it will directly go the garbage patches. Due to the currents in the oceans, the garbage is contained and trapped in the swirling waters. Because of these currents, several garbage patches were created in our oceans; the North Atlantic Gyre, the South Atlantic Gyre, the Indian Ocean Gyre, the South Pacific Gyre and the North Pacific Gyre. The patches were already predicted in 1988, in a research paper from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This research was based on measurements of plastic and concentrations of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean (Day). The Problems of the Garbage Patches Plastic does not decay, but disintegrates into constantly smaller particles, till the molecular level. The molecules don’t decay any further and stay plastic polymers. Because they don’t fall apart, they stay afloat in the top layers of the water, where they are easily mistaken for food by fish and birds, that normally would get their food out of this part of the water (Greenpeace Int.). These animals will eat the plastic and give the toxins to their young, which sometimes die because of this. When the dead animals decay and end up back in the ocean, the plastic will return as well, where it can kill again. The levels of toxins in the water can become very high (Morton). Smaller fish, which swallow the toxins, are also food for other sea life like turtles or albatrosses, which will swallow the toxins and so on and so forth, until the chemicals end up on our own diner plate as well. The United Nations Environment Program (2005) says that the plastic is responsible for the deaths of more than 1.000.000 million seabirds and more than 100.000 sea animals, like whales, dolphins and seals. Further investigation has concluded that at least 267 animal species are being affected by this pollution (Greenpeace Int.). Around 6.4 m illion tons of litter comes into the seas every year. 8 million items are dumped in the sea every day, of which 5 million is thrown from ships (UNEP). The plastic does not only stay at the top of the water, it also sinks to the bottom. Here it covers and smothers the coral and sea life on the bottom of the ocean (UNEP). Greenpeace claims that about 70% of the plastic that ends up in the sea, will eventually

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Saudi Arbitration Law 1983 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

The Saudi Arbitration Law 1983 - Essay Example However, the SAL 1983 was considered inadequate, considering that it is a brief law, containing only 25 Articles. It only addresses some important aspects of arbitration. Therefore, in 1985, the Implementing Regulations (IR1985) was enacted with more comprehensive arbitration provisions. The law had not clearly dealt with international commercial arbitration, which raised a lot of doubts whether it was limited to domestic arbitration or could be applied to international arbitration as well. Its Articles did not mention international arbitration, whether commercial or otherwise. Only in Article 18, the IR1985 addressed the method of notifying foreign companies which have a branch or agent in the Kingdom. During the practice period, the Law had been widely criticized regarding various aspects of the arbitration process. This chapter will address the most important features of the law analytically. The legal legitimacy of arbitration is derived from the agreement of arbitration between the parties. The SAL 1983 recognized two types of agreeing on arbitration. One of these is the arbitration clause; which means stipulated in the original contract. This is the between parties includes a provision referring to a part of or all disputes arising between them from this contract to arbitration. The other type is the submission of the agreement which agreement, which is the agreement expresses the desire of both parties to present a standing dispute between them to arbitration.10 In practice, the Saudi court has recognized both two types as legally binding, providing that a defense with the existence of any of the two types should be presented before any other defense or request. In case No 10/1416,11 between Danish and Saudi companies, it was claimed by the plaintiff that the Saudi company purchased medicines without paying. The case was rejected by the Commercial Department due to th e presence of an arbitral agreement. The claimant raised an appeal on the ground that the respondent did not initially request for arbitration in the first hearing. This appeal was rejected by the Examination Committee which approved the judgment of the Commercial Department pursuant to that the first hearing was an exchange of documents and information regarding the case and did not contain any defenses or requests by the respondent. It is useful to point out that the SAL 1983 and the succeeding Implementing Regulations did not provide for writing as a condition of validity of arbitration or confirmation. Although the provision of Article 5 of the SAL 1983 stated that the arbitration instrument shall be filed to the authority originally competent to hear the dispute, as well as signed by the parties or their representatives.12 With consideration to these two issues, it seems that writing is not a condition of arbitration,13 but a condition of enforcement. Therefore, the arbitration agreement can be confirmed with  various means  such as recognition and  testimonial  or presumption based on the general provisions of Sharia. The Principle of Separability is considered  of the most important guarantees of the effectiveness of arbitration clause.  It means the independence of the arbitration clause contained within the contract